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- To 2040
- [To] The Last [Be] Human
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- From The New World
- P L A C E
- Sea Change
- Never
- Swarm
- Overlord
- The Errancy
- The Dream of the Unified Field
- Materialism
- Region of Unlikeness
- The End of Beauty
- Erosion
- Hybrids of Plants and of Ghosts
- Earth Took of Earth
- The Best of American Poetry 1990
- All Things
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- To A Friend Going Blind
- In the Pasture
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- [To] The Last [Be] Human (UK)
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- Deprisa (ES)
- il Posto (IT)
- Rompiente (ES)
- The Taken-Down God (UK)
- P L A C E (UK)
- Prześwity (PL)
- Shënime nga realiteti i vetes (Albanian)
- L'angelo custode della piccola utopia (IT)
- Sea Change (UK)
- Region der Unähnlichkeit (D)
- La Errancia (ES)
- Zwischen den Zeilen (D)
- Overlord (UK)
- Never (UK)
- Swarm (UK)
- The Errancy (UK)
- The Dream of the Unified Field (UK)
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- Interview - The New Yorker
- Taking To Heart Unbearable Reality
- Harvard Gazette
- Interview :: PRAC CRIT
- poetryEast with Jorie Graham
- The Art of Poetry No. 85 :: Paris Review
- The Glorious Thing :: American Poet
- Interview :: phillyBurbs.com
- Poets Q & A :: A Smartish Pace
- Daring to Live in the Details :: CSMonitor
- Katia Grubisic :: The Fiddlehead
- Interview :: Poetry Magazine
- Interview :: Thomas Gardner
- Nothing Mystical About It :: Lumina
- Rozmowa :: Biedrzyck i Chruściel
- Interview with Jorie Graham :: Earthlines
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Earth Took of Earth:
A Golden Ecco Anthology
282 pages
Anthology (Edited by Jorie Graham)
$23.95/£13.95 (HARDCOVER)
Ecco Press
:: Table of Contents ::
:: Read the Introduction ::
Purchase this book: [USA]
It really matters that great poems get written”, crackles the wise remark attributed to Ezra Pound, “and it doesn't matter a damn who writes them.”
Taking her cue from Pound, Jorie Graham has fashioned an exhilarating collection of one hundred of the finest poems in the English language. From Geoffrey Chaucer to Derek Walcott, Emily Bronte to James Merrill, Earth Took of Earth is an inclusive anthology that celebrates the diversity of language and theme over one thousand years of poetry. In doing so, it also tells the remarkable story of the evolution of a people and of its language.
As Graham writes in her introduction, “This is a book about the nature and force of Poetry itself. . . (one that tells) the story of how that force has rippled, burned, danced, clenched, raged, argued, persuaded, and generally exploded through one remarkable language over a thousand years of its usage. So here are some of the songs people - the custodians and inventors of a great language - have sung (have needed to sing) to keep themselves spiritually, morally, and emotionally awake.”