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- The Dream of the Unified Field
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- Hybrids of Plants and of Ghosts
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- The Best of American Poetry 1990
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- L'angelo custode della piccola utopia (IT)
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- The Errancy (UK)
- The Dream of the Unified Field (UK)
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- Taking To Heart Unbearable Reality
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- The Glorious Thing :: American Poet
- Interview :: phillyBurbs.com
- Poets Q & A :: A Smartish Pace
- Daring to Live in the Details :: CSMonitor
- Katia Grubisic :: The Fiddlehead
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- Interview :: Thomas Gardner
- Nothing Mystical About It :: Lumina
- Rozmowa :: Biedrzyck i Chruściel
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The Best American Poetry 1990
283 pages
edited by Jorie Graham & David Lehman
$23.95/£13.95 (HARDCOVER)
Collier Books
visit the Best American Poetry Series
::read Jorie Graham's Introduction::
Purchase this book: [USA]
The Best American Poetry 1990 presents seventy-five poets — ranging from a college freshman to the current poet laureate of the United States — published in the preceding year. Selected by the esteemed poet Jorie Graham, the poems were culled from nearly three dozen magazines in an effort to glean the best work being done today. Last year’s edition of The Best American Poetry appeared on the bestseller list compiled from independent bookstores, prompting series editor David Lehman to hail “the remarkable vitality of American poetry and its readership.”
With comments by the contributors offering insight into their work, The Best American Poetry 1990, takes its place in a series that is “already an institution” (Edward Morin, Detroit News). “An exhilarating compendium of talent with staggering diversity” (Publishers Weekly). “An essential purchase” (Washington Post Book World).