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Journal Article
JONES, Phillip (2018).  On The Brink. The Oxonian Review. 36(3), 
Christopher Nelson (2017).  A Review of Jorie Graham’s fast. Under a Warm Green Linden.
Magazine Article
Rice, Kylan (2018).  The lateral radical: On Jorie Graham. West Branch.
Adam Fitzgerald (2017).  Jorie Graham’s Poetic Autopsy for Self and Nation. The New York Times Book Review.    Download:  Jorie Graham’s Poetic Autopsy for Self and Nation - The New York Times.pdf 
Web Article
Sarah Howe (2017).  Interview with Jorie Graham. PRAC CRIT.
Chadwick Jenkins (2017).  Pulitzer Prize Winner Jorie Graham's Collection of Poetry, 'Fast', Will Haunt You, Beautifully.
Erin Lyndal Martin (2017).  The Possible Absence of a Future: Talking With Jorie Graham.