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Filters: keyword is Jorie Graham  [Clear All Filters]
Journal Article
Christopher Nelson (2017).  A Review of Jorie Graham’s fast. Under a Warm Green Linden.
Magazine Article
Adam Fitzgerald (2017).  Jorie Graham’s Poetic Autopsy for Self and Nation. The New York Times Book Review.    Download:  Jorie Graham’s Poetic Autopsy for Self and Nation - The New York Times.pdf 
Dan Chiasson (2012).  The Actual Hawk, the Real Tree. New York Review of Books. 59,    Download:  NY Review of Books _ PLACE _ 9.27.12.pdf 
Web Article
Chadwick Jenkins (2017).  Pulitzer Prize Winner Jorie Graham's Collection of Poetry, 'Fast', Will Haunt You, Beautifully.
Erin Lyndal Martin (2017).  The Possible Absence of a Future: Talking With Jorie Graham.